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2020-02-25 00:00:00 Avenue Magazine Our Relaunch Issue

Our Relaunch Issue

As much as New Yorkers are fanfared for their fashionable lifestyles, it’s their personal achievements that make them uniquely ours. This is, above all things, a city of achievers.

In this city of powerful turbines: fashion, finance, tech, and culture among them, Avenue has chronicled the diverse cast of characters driving it all since the magazine was founded 44 years ago. In our relaunch issue we focus on legacy in all of its forms—from the storied community of Harlem, to 1040 Park Avenue, where café society first took shape in a series of raucous penthouse parties. We also present a portfolio of Englishmen in New York who are drawing on their own heritage to shape the city. Misty Copeland is solidifying her legacy as a cultural trailblazer, and we feature her here with Calvin Royal III on the eve of their historic pairing in ABT’s forthcoming ballet, Romeo and Juliet

New York is a city with an audience that deserves high-octane hometown coverage, and with the help of renowned design firm, Pentagram, we’ve relaunched Avenue to do just that. As much as New Yorkers are fanfared for their fashionable lifestyles, it’s their personal achievements that make them uniquely ours. This is, above all things, a city of achievers. Our readers are an acquisitive bunch—with the sprawling apartments and shiny toys to prove it—but it’s their wit, and perhaps also their grit, that really sets them apart. 

In this issue we feature grit (and gratitude) as a way to inoculate our kids against entitlement. Our culture pages highlight the best of what to do and see; look to our resource section for navigating NYC’s rich offerings (independent bookstores and theaters), and timely reservations (the Valentine’s Day trifecta of caviar, oyster, and Champagne bars). It’s winter, so we’re also looking south to Florida, where the Sunshine State has of late been upping it tropical game. 

New Yorkers are social nomads, but happily, these days geography isn’t a limitation because Avenue is online as well as in print. While you’ll find us
in the city’s chicest apartment buildings, hotels, and restaurants, you’ll also find us online at, and in our social media. Avenue events are just now getting under way so we hope to see you there as well. In the meantime, welcome to the virtual cocktail party we’ve cooked up for you on these pages, where everyone is well-dressed and has something interesting to say. 

Kristina Stewart Ward

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Kristina Stewart Ward
750 Lexington Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10022

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