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2024-07-22 00:00:00 Avenue Magazine HMI Schools Out Benefit Breaks Their Own Record & Raises Over $760,000

HMI Schools Out Benefit Breaks Their Own Record & Raises Over $760,000

With almost 500 guests, the annual must-see/be-seen Hamptons charity cocktail party and seated dinner (menu by Duryea’s, STK Steakhouse, Carissa’s Bakery, the Almond and Chloe’s) raised mucho moolah for The Hetrick Martin Institute, the nation’s oldest LGBTQIA+ organization serving queer and trans youth. Special guest Emmy Award winning TV talk show host Tamron Hall greeted everyone by the pool (where Aqualillies performed synchronized swimming routines) at the stunning estate of Marcus Brown, Executive Vice President Entergy Corporation and his family Nannette, Rachel and Christopher in Watermill. Guests included Darren Star, Kelly Bensimon and event co-chairs Larry Milstein, Tonia Steck and Ben Dixon who exclaimed: “Each year, our goal is to beat the prior year’s fundraising record by raising the bar in delivering a truly special experience for School’s Out guests.” Goal achieved! – PETER DAVIS

Special guest host Tamron Hall wore Pucci
Nannette Jolivette Brown hosted the Schools Out benefit at her Watermill home and said “Welcome bitches” to the lively crowd.
HMI CEO Amy Harclerode and Kelly Killoren Bensimon
Benjamin Dixon and Nick Depner from United Airlines, who donated to the live auction as did Nordstrom, amongst others.
Greg Holt, Scott Currie and Brad Comisar
Fern Mallis and Marcus Brown
Eric Goldie and Jeremy Batoff
Event co-chairs Tonia Steck and Larry Milstein
Lish Steiling
Colton Arman
Candace Bushnell, Darren Star and Kelly Killoren Bensimon
David Scatterday, Tyler Whitman and Emily Tisch Sussman
Pietro Simone and Adriel Reboh
Brynn Whitfield
DJ Lina Bradford had the crowd dancing
Aqualillies in action
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