As Pride season rolls on, social media star Gregory Littley has launched the cutest, coolest ‘zine called KHUTE featuring queer creators and artists. “Over the last 10 years I’ve made my living on screens with roles at brands and agencies, through the internet, videos and digital content,” Littley tells Avenue. “KHUTE is a creative response to that. Something printed, hand made and free flowing. The images are not touched by any tech. The collages you see are hand laid then photographed, all of it comes from my heart and soul.”

KHUTE was published in collaboration with H&M. All the talent in the first issue are self-styled from the H&M studio and massive archives. “I shot over the course of two days in their studio on 35mm film, using an analog half frame camera & Polaroids,” Littley adds. “The people inside the pages are influencers, TV producers, podcast hosts, travel bloggers, plus size models, artists and writers. “I absolutely am in love with the project! It’s a pure awareness piece of work.” – PETER DAVIS
We agree. KHUTE is total cuteness overload!