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2024-09-10 00:00:00 Avenue Magazine RéVive's Collaboration with Designer Lele Sadoughi: Magic in a Jar

RéVive's Collaboration with Designer Lele Sadoughi: Magic in a Jar

Here are 3 reasons we are addicted to RéVive‘s latest collaboration with designer Lele Sadoughi, the limited edition ArtJar:

  1. The design by NYC/Dallas designer Lele Sadoughi is as brilliant and be-jeweled as her headbands and accessories.
  2. The RéVive ArtJar is 2.5oz of magic powered by Bio-Renewal Technology and featuring Glycolic Acid, gently exfoliates, smooths and moisturizes skin – as you sleep.
  3. All this magic in a jar comes with a limited holiday value of 50% more free, which means 50% more time to beautify your skin. – PETER DAVIS
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